Sunday, August 2, 2009

What NOT to do at SIGGRAPH New Orleans: A Continued Post

Planning to travel to New Orleans soon, are you here for SIGGRAPH, or have you ever been to the Big Easy? Well, whatever the case, these are things that you should not do or just keep in mind while you are here. All tips and tricks are provided by myself and friends experiences and stories I hear throughout my visit.

This post will be updated day to day, as I retrieve more suggestions based on the mistakes of others. Enjoy, share, and keep checking back for more!

What NOT to do at SIGGRAPH New Orleans:

1. Watch out for man testicles in Bourbon Street.

2. Don't take shots out of test tubes and loose your credit card.

3. Watch out for bachelorette parties.

4. Don't walk alone through dark alleys.

5. When you see beads flying from the sky, don't look up!

6. Don't drop glass bottles off of balconies on Bourbon Street.

7. Make sure your hotel is the right address. You don't want to have to walk 8 blocks or so to the next one.

8. Take taxis. don't walk after dark. Don't stumble into cars thinking they're taxis! People look down on that.

9. "Be careful who you talk to. I wasn't here more then 20 minutes and I had a female bartender telling me about how she was going to kill her husband and get away with it."

10. If you see a tall homeless guy around Canal Street and he lifts his shirt, look the other way.

11. Strippers and computer graphics don't mix!

12. Do not cut in front of anyone in the Pixar teapot line.

13. Don't be late for the bus. The drivers show no mercy.

14. You probably shouldn't go into random SIGGRAPH people's apartments and get stoned. They encourage it on Bourbon Street though.

15. Don't give away your beads to a woman who asks for it. They need to work for them.

16. Do not look into the eyes of the club bouncers. They might steal your soul, and your cash.

17. Don't pat someone on the back, for they will ask you, "Does it look like I need a cookie?" Your answer to this intriguing question will want to be "no", however it would be fun to see how fast a CG artist is compared to a local.

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  1. Hahahaha..Josh, why wrote the NOT TO DO at New Orleans things? bad experiences with those?

  2. This is for people not to make the same mistakes as others. Since New Orleans is such a different city than most, it's important to know these things. Also, it's funny.

    These are from stories I hear about other people's experiences. Haha! Not mine.
