Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Technical Illustration: Say Cheese!

To be honest, this is a piece of work that I will have to pride myself in. I have been stressing out about this project for the past two weeks and finally pulled it off! The project was to take an object and replicate it as an illustration, also called a technical illustration, because it is, in fact, very technical!

I will say that I feel very confident with this illustration and will hopefully be able to do more in the future. In total, I spent about 17 hours on this project. The bottom image is a snapshot of the line work of my design. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Critiques are always most welcome. Click the images for a better view. Thanks!

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  1. That thing looks pretty dang good! How did you end up making it? I assume you drew it on a computer.

  2. Josh, this is so good!

  3. Fantastic. That looks awesome!

  4. it's beautiful! My graphic friends are doing stuff like this now, really cool. i can see improvement over some of your older stuff, which is always great. (i looked at my sketches from only a few weeks ago and they suck.) gotta love practice. oh, and: gradient mesh ftw

  5. Garret, yes, I made this in Adobe Illustrator. That is all line work. Drawn by hand.

    Thanks for all the comments!

  6. That damn pen tool used to scare me too much to ever try to make something this good.

    Keep it up, Josh! I bet you can make a better one next year.

  7. Your illustration totally KILLS what I did for that assignment. Great work.

  8. Nice one Josh. I haven't had to do something that intricate yet, but I'm excited to try.

  9. dude thats pretty impressive. very real looking
