Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Night On The Town

Waking up at 5:45am, when you are on vacation, is never fun! But, today, it was because I was waking up in Singapore. I really neglected the fact that I only got 4 hours of sleep and kept on throughout the day with no problem. I was able to meet even more student volunteers today, and again, they are all really awesome!

Tonight, after our student volunteer orientation, a few of us are interested in checking out a club, having a Singapore Slinger or two, and checking out the night life here. It seems like I am becoming more and more interested in the lifestyle of this culture, which makes me want to stay up all night an explore. We'll see how that goes though. More pictures will be following this post, so stay tuned!


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  1. Live it up! Don"t stop till you drop! Do everything that you know I would do and more!! OK, maybe just do everything that YOU want to do. But, live, live, LIVE!!!!

  2. you know who I am my boy!!!

  3. your lazy dad who can't sign in but anonymous.

  4. Haha! Thanks dad! I'll do everything I can. Don't you worry! And I guess I will have to show you how to input your name on here when I get back. You are so computer illiterate! Haha! Nana even figured it out!
