Monday, December 8, 2008

Day One Pictures!

Here is a majority of the good pictures I have taken from my first full day here in Singapore!

Two of the three planes I took. I didn't have time to take a picture of my plane that took me from Tokyo to Singapore because I was in such a hurry to catch the flight because of delays.

A sweet contraption for de-icing our plane! I laughed out loud when I saw this, so I just had to bust out the camera and show you all!

The tunnel connecting the Detroit airport to the international portion of the airport. These lights were changing and there was nice cultural music playing. Also, there were sounds of lightning and rain. When the lighting sounds went off, the lights interacted with it. Good job Detroit!

"Warning, death to drug traffickers under Singapore law."

One of the few things that kept my sanity on the day long travel to Singapore. You can never go wrong with Toy Story. After this, I watched Cars. Go Pixar!

My room in the Fragrance Backpackers Hostel! Yes, no privacy! I am in the bunk bed farthest away from the camera, bottom bunk, near the window.

Here are just a few quick snapshots of the city. There will be many more. I promise! I wasn't able to take too many because it was raining. Oh, by the way, apparently it is supposed to rain everyday. Good thing I bought an umbrella! Oh, just an FYI, a Lamborghini drove past about 30 minutes prior to these pictures being taken. Every car is so nice here!

Inside the Suntec Conference Center. It is really a beautiful place! That large glowing pole has water running down it and also changes colors. Singapore likes to be high tech and they do it well.

One of the many bars near our hostel. The night life is non-stop here. Literally. Little India is a 24 hour a day part of the city. I guess they just like to party.

Last but not least, the group of student volunteers I have met so far! They are awesome people from all over the world. It has been a pleasure getting to know these people and I get to hang out with them and many others all week! High fives anyone?

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  1. Awesome pics dude, makes me really miss the city. Sorry I flaked on the power converter before you left, I was at a loud bar watching Ball State get their asses kicked and forgot you were calling.

  2. Thanks! I'm sorry that I'm making you miss it, but it is a city to be missed.

    Don't worry about the power converter. I was able to pick one up on the plane. Thanks Vinnie!
